Hope Hospitality House is an extension of Hope House Detroit designed for hosting groups involved in short-term missions to Detroit. We encourage groups who want to come down for a one-day work project, a weekend or short-term trip, or a full week, to see what spending time in Detroit can do for themselves and for the city.
Take a look at the options below to see what your time in Detroit could include:
Hospitality House Reservation and Cancellation Policy
A non-refundable deposit of $50 (for totals under $500) or 10% (after totals of $500) of the total will be due in order to reserve your spot.
There is a minimum cancellation fee of $50 and a maximum cancellation fee of $1,000. The fee is based on the reservation amount and when the reservation is canceled:
If the reservation is canceled 48 hours or less before check-in, or after check-in, the fee is 50% of the reservation amount for the nights not stayed
Houses 20 people
Bathrooms (2 1/2)
Dining Room
Living Room
“Thank you! Continue living out your mission here and I can see walls breaking down because of your ministry.”
“Because of the home environment, I feel like the team had a chance to really bond and grow close in community.”
“I enjoyed playing outside with the children and just felowshipping with others. Really experiencing the idea of “community”!”
“The experience was awesome. It is so clear that the Lord is in this house. I love seeing and hearing about the work you all are doing in the neighborhood.”
“This was a growing experience that brought me closer to my group, God, and Christian community.”
“I really learned a lot this weekend! My perspective on Detroit has really changed, and I just loved getting to know the kids and spend a weekend at Hope House!”
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2
Groups make a lasting impact on our kids and breathe new life into our ministry.
We’d love for you to be a part of God’s Real. Crazy. Love. with us!
Complete the Group Application below if you’re interested in coming alongside us!